The Morality Of Corruption, By Immanuel Kant

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To start with, the term ‘bribe’ implies one person’s (firm, company, etc.) act with giving gifts (which can be described as money, some luxurious foods, documents, entertainment, or other) to another person to make everyone better off. This act is illegal since those gifts are given frequently under the law: one person wants to achieve his or her own profit by escaping some measurements that are not allowed in this case. The procedure of giving and taking bribe is called ‘corruption’, and almost in all countries around the world it is forbidden; as a result, participating in this procedure leads to some punishments. Kind of punishment may vary depending on countries’ law; therefore, in one country it can be some monetary fine, while in other …show more content…

One more bribe will not change and fix the overall situation and it is not necessary to avoid bribery.
However, in moralistic view, it is completely wrong to continue giving and obtaining bribes even in case, where this phenomenon is widespread. Corruption stays illegal and immoral even despite the fact that it is not taken into account by government; thus, it should be not permissible to participate in bribery.
Firstly, according to the Immanuel Kant’s approach on the moral decision making, some actions are always considered as wrong, since they are not under the universal law. The action of bribe taking can be viewed as stealing; therefore, even without thinking about the consequences that this action will produce, bribery will remain immoral even if given money goes to producing some goods.
The typical example of bribery in countries, where it is seems to be normal, is paying for vote on elections. Political party in this situation offers some amount of money to citizens in exchange of their vote for this party. In this case, self-interest of people to a new government is distorted, because some destitute are rather to receive gift and vote for politician, who participates in

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