The Importance Of Mental Health

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Growing up in a foster home and later on being adopted, my past consists of a life that was placed off, what I thought to be its intended course. The derailment granted me with a different perspective on life and also newfound knowledge and respect for social workers and their contributions to society. Individuals whom were in foster care with me and interactions with foster children from my previous employment opportunity at a daycare, influenced me to steer in the direction of becoming a social worker. As I constantly reached new levels of maturity while progressing in life from exposure through real life experiences, these events created a profound knowledge base in relation to social justice. I have witnessed and ascertained wisdom …show more content…

Many factors contribute to the negative notion of mental illness from the stigmas associated with the illness and the lack of attention surrounding the subject. Although the previously discussed issues surrounding mental illness are very important, through my short yet intense experience as an intern at the West Oaks Outpatient Clinic, I became aware of the lack of knowledge as it relates to mental health on a micro level which then spills over to the macro level of social work, which is a social issue that is of great concern to me. On a micro level, several of the individuals along with their families that I interacted with did not understand the meaning of mental illness, the cause, signs and symptoms associated with their specified mental diagnosis, treatment options, and the importance of medication management for treatment purposes. I believe that contributing factors of this social issue are ideas such as culture conflict, not being the individual diagnosed with the illness, therefore not taking it seriously, being afraid to ask questions, wanting to keep personal and family matters private for the fear of embarrassment and being stereotyped etc., in addition to the belief that it will never hit close to …show more content…

With proper funding, the primary places to target, in order to spread awareness, is within churches, schools, and businesses. As far as the church, it would be imperative to actually target the church services and to take an estimated fifteen minutes at the beginning of each service to speak about mental illness, the reality of it, and provided resources to receive more information and treatment. Within the schools, I suppose beginning at the middle school level throughout college, to hold an assembly both Fall and Spring semesters to provide a better understanding of what mental illness is, the school counselor’s role in general, when and where to seek help. A lot of time, students are only directed to the school counselor if they are having behavioral issues or if the teacher notices a drastic change in a students’ behavior that is significant enough to direct them to a counselor and inform the parents/guardians. When targeting businesses, in my opinion, it would be important to begin with targeting the companies that are considered the most stressful jobs to have, and as part of orientation for the hiring process to complete a lesson on mental health being that one of the qualifications to receive FMLA is to suffer from a serious health condition that makes the

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