The Importance Of Ethical Issues In Group Counseling

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All of the aforementioned ethical issues presented in this paper can be associated to the nature and sensitivity of the professional practice. However, what kind of ethical issue can emerge in a counseling group that is interrelated to a diversity factor that consist of a significant component of identity for many clients? (Cornish, Wade, Tucker and Post, 2014, p. 578). The answer to the aforesaid question is religion or spirituality. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to religion/spirituality benefits in the framework of group counseling, particularly process-oriented, no- themed groups with diverse participation (Cornish et al., 2014, p. 578). According to Cornish et al., (2014), “A significant ethical consideration for group counselors is balancing the two components of beneficence and nonmaleficence” (p. 590). This denote the ethical criticism that group leaders and counselors may face when deciding in helping those with whom they work (beneficence) and to do no harm (nonmaleficence) can take a complex form in a group counseling setting (Cornish et al., 2014, p. 570). The complex ethical dilemma present itself when doing morally was right for one client might cause detriment to another client in the group …show more content…

209). The ethical standards of each counseling discipline are evidently conveyed in their particular professional associations and are well recognized by most practitioners and scholars in the counseling field (Scott, 2000). However, the counseling professionals who deal with the addiction branch of the field are foreseen to addressing challenging situations unethically due to the difficult nature and complexity of the group

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