The Impact Of Heredity And Environment On Behavior And Development

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It is often said that a person’s development is affected by everything in their surrounding environment. The relative contribution of nature and nurture, that is the effect of heredity and environment on behavior and development, has been the subject of philosophical and scientific debate for a long time. Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) developed the ecological theory to explain how a child’s environment ultimately determines or influences development and shapes who he/she becomes. Growing up at age 11 in a small rural community in Jamaica, I was surrounded by people who were closely knit. I came from a large extended family household with aunts, uncles, cousins and my great-grandmother, Ryanetta, as the matriarch of the family. A petite, …show more content…

That was not an option but a requirement of my great-grandmother when she was alive. During the fall, she passed on. That was a sad moment for the family, but we remained strong and tried to live up to her teachings. Middle-class living afforded me opportunities that many in my community did not have. We had spacious accommodations, the latest appliances and a car. Our family was well respected and our home has been often a gathering place for the elders. I am grateful for the life I was given through my family’s hard work and dedication. 1994 was a year of many changes for me, new school, new teachers, and a new environment. My outlook on life became more expansive. I became more aware of national and world events. Sadly, that year was also a sad event in African history with the genocide in Rwanda. It was at this stage the macrosystem that Bronfenbrenner said children are influenced positively or negatively by the wider society through national government, cultural values, the economy, wars, etc. I saw the how religious affiliations and ethnic heritage influenced the heinous actions and the effect it had on many people even though I did not fully comprehend all the reasons behind the genocide taking place. It was years later when I watched “Hotel Rwanda” that I understood. I …show more content…

"According to Erik Erikson, middle childhood encompasses the industry-versus-inferiority stage, characterized by a focus on meeting the challenges presented by the world" (Feldman, 2013, p. 308). Why is this so? Children in the middle childhood stage are at a struggle of knowing who they are. They battle with social and academic demands. They are beginning to realize that they are good, and not so good at different things. As they compare themselves to the ability and opinions of others, they try to have suitable skills to meet the demands of peers, teacher, parents, school and the world, and clinging towards those who are similar to themselves. It is essential for the child at this stage to discover pleasure in being productive and the need to be successful. Middle childhood is about competence. The child 's relationship with peers in school and the neighborhood become increasingly important. This stage is also meaningful in building a child 's self esteem. According to Feldman (2013), "Children are on a quest for self-understanding during middle childhood" (p. 309). Those who are noticed or applauded are likely to feel good about themselves and those who are not will feel uncertain. It is known that success leads to competence and difficulty with a child 's ability (failure) leads to

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