"The Hershey Company"

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“Today, the Hershey Company is the leading North American manufacturer of chocolate and non-chocolate confectionary and grocery products” (The Hershey Company). With products such as the Hershey Bar and Reese’s cups, it is easy to see how The Hershey Company is so successful; however, the ride to success was not easy. Milton Hershey and his employees had to overcome several hardships along the way; in the end, everything worked out for the best. One reason for The Hershey Company being so prosperous is the loyalty of the employees, if not for the loyalty and honesty of the employees, the company would not have come so far. In the beginning, Milton had many failures, but these failures did not waver his spirit. Milton wanted to make chocolate an affordable luxury; at the time, chocolate was a luxury good produced only in Germany and Switzerland. “The Hershey Company remains committed to the vision and values of the man who started it all so many years ago” (The Hershey Company). The Hershey Company was founded in 1894 by Milton S. Hershey. “He became a confectioner’s apprentice in Lancaster when he was fifteen” (McMahon). Hershey wanted to produce a sweet chocolate coating for his caramels. Milk chocolate candy bars and wafers started being produced in 1900. Hershey was able to lower the price because of mass production. The delicious chocolate became affordable to all. “Milton turned milk chocolate from an expensive luxury to an everyday treat” (McMahon). The company markets its products in approximately seventy countries worldwide. The immediate success of milk chocolate caused Hershey to consider increasing his production facilities. He decided to build a new chocolate factory in his hometown Derry Township, Pennsylvania (Gut... ... middle of paper ... ...r the world enjoy Hershey’s delicious products. The candy is especially popular during holidays such as Valentine’s Day and Halloween. The company will be prosperous for many years to come. “The Hershey Company basically invented modern candy” (Kash). Works Cited Gibson, Christine M. “The Sweetest Place on Earth.” American Heritage. Aug./Sept. 2003: 24-26. Print. Gutmann, Martin. “Milton S. Hershey and the Chocolate Empire.” The Pennsylvania Center for the Book- Milton Hershey and the Chocolate Empire. 2008. Web. 25 Sept. 2013. http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/. McMahon, James. “Hershey, Milton Shavely.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1996 ed. 1996. Print. The Hershey Company. Hershey’s. 2013. Web. 25 Sept. 2013. http://www.thehersheycompany.com Kash, Rick. “The Hershey Company: Aligning Inside to Win in the Outside.” Ivey Business Journal. April. 2012. Print.

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