The Great Gatsby

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Jay Gatsby’s life proves the unrealistic expectations people set for themselves when trying to achieve The American Dream. Gatsby used what we think of as The American Dream to help gain Daisy’s love back through things she left him for even if the means didn’t justify the ends. People will do anything to achieve the American Dream and although they have good intentions the American Dream seems to corrupt the mind of even the purest of souls. Gatsby becomes consumed with money, social status, and what his leisure time consisted of because he cannot obtain what he truly wants even with all of his money which shows that the American Dream he strived will never become a reality. Gatsby’s emmacuent amount of money played a key role in his downfall for he did not care how he obtained money or how richly educated he looked but rather what the money meant to Daisy. In chapter three Gatsby shows us the difference between people who have had wealth opposed to those that have came into wealth when he said "See!" he cried triumphantly. "It's a bona-fide piece of printed matter. It fooled me. ...

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