The Great Gatsby

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I. Introduction A. Background information Early events from Fitzgerald’s life appear in The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald resembles Jay Gatsby, a caring man who obsesses over wealth and luxury and falls in love with a beautiful young woman while stationed at a military camp in the South. Nick Carraway, also similar to Fitzgerald, is described as a young man from Minnesota, educated at an Ivy League school (in Nick’s case, Yale), who moves to New York after the war. After the publication of his books, Fitzgerald fell into a life-style of parties, while writing to earn more money to please Zelda by. Gatsby obtains a lot of wealth at a young age, and dedicates his life to earning possessions and throwing parties that he believes will allow Daisy to love him. Fitzgerald, similar to Nick in The Great Gatsby found this new lifestyle thrilling and dramatic, and, like Gatsby, always admired the very rich. In many ways, The Great Gatsby represents Fitzgerald’s explanation of his feelings about the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald was motivated by his love for a woman who symbolized everything he always wanted, even though she led him toward everything he loathed just like Gatsby. II. Topic: Characters Tom is Daisy’s rich husband and was once a member of Nick’s social club at Yale. Tom is arrogant and hypocritical. He is very racist and does not consider trying to live up to the high standard which he demands from those around him. He has no hesitation in his extramarital affair with Myrtle, but when he suspects Daisy and Gatsby are having an affair, he becomes upset and confronts them. Jordan Baker is from Kentucky. Her only living relative is an aunt. As a professional golf player, she represents a different type of woman in the 20s. She is self-suffic... ... middle of paper ... ... although the name of the color does not appear. Fitzgerald used the color green mainly to describe something fresh or hopeful but depicts variety of meanings. The green light is across the sea where Daisy lives which is an important color to Gatsby. V. Conclusion The Great Gatsby should be considered as one of America’s greatest novels because it provides a wealth of information while following an interesting story line. Most novels which contain information about America’s past tell of stories which are boring and hard to read. The Great Gatsby, set in a time period with interesting laws and interesting political happenings, appeals to most readers who did not live through that time period as millionaires. The novel allows the reader to look at the twenties through a different perspective and learn about the economy and prohibitions which affected individuals.

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