The Giver, Anne Frank: The Diary Of A Young Girl

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Civil Rights Coble, Eric, and Lois Lowry. The Giver. Dramatic Publishing Company, 2016. The Giver explains a world in which humans have little to no choices or personal rights. The world in which the characters live in is depicted as utopian, but turns out to be dystopian when the main character is chosen for a special talent. After being chosen, he can see all the choices the community isn’t allowed to make, and he makes readers clear on how unfair it is. He sees how little equality each community member has and struggles with how to handle the memories and information he receives. This book is a perfect example of what it is like to live in a totalitarian government and not have the basic civil rights we as people don’t think twice of in …show more content…

They became targets of racism all throughout the school. The acts committed against them would be anything from name calling to potentially harmful actions. The author was able to show the uprisings and struggles the kids struggled through with powerful vocabulary and descriptive phrases. Not only was she able to tell the story of these kids but to provide the reader with an alternate universe to dive into when reading. By explaining these kid’s experiences, she showed readers how many things were wrong with civil rights at that time. Frank, Anne, et al. Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl. Puffin, 2011. This book allows readers to understand the lack of civil rights the Jewish faced during the Holocaust. Through a first-person narrative, Anne Frank describes the horrors her family faced in concentration camps and in their home. She describes the fears Jews had due to the way they looked and practiced their religion. The style of this book allows readers to comprehend how badly this mass genocide infringed upon their civil rights as humans. As a reader, being able to fully comprehend how mistreated these humans were will allow one to better understand how important it is for a citizen to have rights. Icke, Robert, et al. 1984. Dramatists Play Service, Inc.,

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