The Destructive Nature of Technology Exposed in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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Technology in society plays a enormous role in everyone's daily lives. People are using technology constantly, in every aspect of their lives. From work to school to home, the central part of our day is the use technology. Technology has had an influential impact on people’s lives today in many ways. People today are losing the human interaction that is so very necessary, they interact via social media but they lose that experience of human interaction and being able to sense how they feel about something by their tone of voice. One’s mood can be influenced tremendously by looking at one of their texts or social media sites just like that someone’s day can go from amazing to absolutely horrific .People today have lost that touch .Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is about a society set in the future where the possession of books is an act of crime. Being so called different and having individuality is something looked down upon in their society however; that of the society today would look upon that as a wonderful thing to have. By reading Fahrenheit 451 the reader can see how technology can really influence people, and how human interaction becomes lost very quickly. The world is getting smaller due to the new innovations of technology. .Looking at this society today we can see that. Now we can connect with our loved ones that live halfway across the world, through the many innovations of new technology. After reading “Facebook and free speech” one can tell how influential technology really is.”Facebook, Google and twitter have more power over who can speak and what can be said all across the globe than any king or president or supreme court justice”(Henn 5) .The fact that Facebook can have more control over what can be ... ... middle of paper ... ...mart because they did everything right, but they did none of the work. “An hour of T.V class, and hour of basketball or baseball or running another hour of transcription history or painting pictures and more sports, but do you know, we never ask questions, or at least most don’t; they just run the answers to you ,bing,bing,bing.”(Bradbury 31).This explains that they don’t do anything all they do is sit around and watch TV. Electronic components and their services have affected these worlds’ lives tremendously. Society has relied on it left and right to check ones answers or to answer people’s questions. Also, Inform them about the latest and greatest trends that come about; as well as instructing them on anything from how to tie your shoes to how to write a paper. Works Cited Bradbury, Ray. “Fahrenheit 451.” New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks 2013.

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