The Cruendless: The Death Of Chris Mccandless

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In Jon Krakauer’s non-fiction novel Into the Wild, the well-off, upper-middle-class, Chris McCandless disappears donating all of his savings to charity and hitchhiking to Alaska to live off the land, but 119 days later he is found having starved to death at the age of 24. Chris McCandless was and still is a very heavily discussed topic due to the mysteries his death. His “Great American Odyssey” was short, but lack of divulging his plan to anyone else left it in a shroud of guesswork and minimal evidence. But despite that, there is just enough evidence to show that Chris McCandless was for the most part, at fault for his own death despite good and bad luck along the way. There is a strong claim on the other hand, that McCandless’ death was …show more content…

After deciding to come to Lake Mead, Chris “[ignores] posted warnings that off-road driving is strictly forbidden, [and] steer[s] the Datsun off the pavement where it crossed a broad sandy wash”(27).Others argue that because the rain is what destroyed McCandless’ car that it could not be his fault. Be as that may, there were signs and warnings posted which warned of the exact thing that happened to him, but even after storm clouds and rain approach McCandless’ arrogance forces him to ignore these signs and when the water inevitably does come he only has enough time to save his possessions and his car becomes a casualty. After the water from the flood dies down and the car is unsubmerged, the car was unharmed, but the flood had “got the engine wet, so wet that when McCandless tried to start the car soon thereafter, the engine wouldn’t catch, and in his impatience, he drained the battery”(28). Chris’ car was full of supplies and could have easily gotten him to Alaska faster and maybe before winter, which would have made gathering plants and food easier. The loss of his car, however, is usually chalked up to be out of Chris’ control because of the unpredictable rain. Realistically though, even if the flood hit his car and it was not his fault for driving into a flood area, in the end, the real reason his car was lost was because of his …show more content…

He was extremely admirable for the sake that he had the courage to live out his dream. He said he would live off of the land for 100 days and he did. Most people always have that dream vacation, the goal or rite of passage that they always say they will do. But when the opportunity arrives for them to achieve their dream, they shy away at the first sign of risk. And Chris followed through and knew he was going to live out his dream or die

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