The Causes Of Stress In Modern Life

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Modern life is full of troubles, frustrations and deadlines. People have to suffer stressful from many directions and they seem to be consent to live with stress. Many people think that they can stand with stressful and it is harmless, but it is not. If people live in stress during a long period of time, it has bad effect to health and spirit. Therefore, there is actually that you can protect yourself by understanding stress and how to reduce these harmful effects caused by stress. With the prevalence of society, the rhythms of modern life is becoming faster and faster. Many people suffer a lot of pressure from work, study, family, and society, all of which lead to stress and strain of life. Therefore, stress is everywhere and it has become …show more content…

Most researchers agreed that finances are an important factor for stress. According to an online poll carried 23% of people, who take part in these studies answer that finances as the major cause of stress in their lives. Stress about budget maybe result in insufficient income. Financial stress has led the list in much modern survey. In fact, the more modern life is, the more important money is. Anything needs money, even love also needs it. College students are stressed when they have to pay for an education. Older citizens find that retirement income can be a main cause of stress, when adults are stress because they have to face family expenditures. In addition, work is a major factor of stress. 80% Americans agreed that economy is a significant cause of stress. We always worry about getting a suitable job and how we keeping this job. Besides, we often worry new kind of work and new responsibilities. Sometimes, work stress is brought on by others such as our staffs, our leaders. we bring it on …show more content…

Long – term stress can even require the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, and depression; it can be a main cause of moodiness and frustration. Many of us are aware of the physical symptoms of stress-muscle pain, rapid breathing or an increased pulse. At the same time, they also suffer from emotional of stress which can be like roller coaster of highs or lows. emotional effects rang from emotional overeating to a feeling of being overwhelmed and pressure. stress impact many other components, which leads to difficulties in making decisions, loss sense humor, poorer concentration, negative thinking. As can be seen, stress nearly brings serious effects to people. Apart from the effects above, it can be the main reason which creates your decreased productivity at work. stress makes people less control their pace work, which leads to dissatisfaction. about 40% employees said that they are burned out because of work-related stress and loss $300 billion each year in the workplace . In addition, your relationship with people around also become worsens because of your stress. In fact, stress makes people puzzled and their life can undergo a considerable

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