The American Dream In Sandra Cisneros's The Tropic Of Orange

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The Tropic of Orange shows the struggles of each character during some point in the week. Geographic locations such as New York or California are popular states that make the American Dream seem realistic. Each state displays these large cities filled with opportunity of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. “Dad says, you wanna future? Better go to America. Better start out something new. For the family. You better go, don’t worry about us. You start a future all new (Yamashita, 15).” A few of the characters are living the American dream by explaining their experiences so far in Los Angeles. Manzanar explain that people take the beautiful sceneries of America for granite. “On the surface, the complexity of layers should dorown an ordinary person, but …show more content…

Esperanza and her family move into a poor neighborhood in Chicago. “Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is swollen you have to push hard to get in. There us no front yeard, only four little elms the city planted by the curb. Our back is a small garage for the car we don’t own yet (Cisneros, 4).” The reader learns that Esperanza and her family are also from Mexico. “Look at that house, I said, it looks like Mexico. Rachel and Lucy look at me like I’m crazy, but before they can let out a laugh, Nenny says: Yes, that’s all Mexico right. That’s what I was thinking exactly (Cisneros, 18).” As an immigrant family, Esperanza’s family is struggling to make ends meet in Chicago. “I could’ve been someone someday, you know? My mother says sighs. She has lived in the city her whole life. She can speak two lanugages. She can sing an opera. She knows how to fix a T.V. But she doesn’t know which subway train to take to get downtown. I hold her hand very tight while we wait for the train to arrive (Cisneros, 90).” This is also a reference of space and time that is associated with the time period of

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