The ASCA Model Of A Professional School Counselor

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In order to promote learning, social justice, equity, access, attainment and systemic change, a Professional School Counselor must be both a leader and advocate. Advocates recognize when a change needs to occur and leaders understand how to use teamwork and collaboration to do it. The ASCA model places leadership and advocacy in two of its four themes. The ASCA National Model states that school counselors should use these themes in order to create an effective CSCP (ASCA, 2017). Dollarhide and Saginak state leading, advocating, and collaborating creates a system of change that is continuous and influential to future systematic changes (Dollarhide & Saginak, 2017). When a Professional School Counselor is able to express leadership through …show more content…

Leadership is best accomplished when goals are strategic, attainable, and realistic (Dollarhide & Saginak, 20117). Leadership requires determination, resiliency, support systems, and clear roles (Erford, 2017). The styles of leadership can be broken down into four groups, structural leaders, human resource leaders, political leaders and symbolic leaders; these styles can be combined to form effective leadership techniques (Erford, 2017). Structural leadership is used when a counselor is in the process of creating a plan for a systematic change. This leadership style takes into consideration all data and reports that have been gathered concerning educational gaps. Human resource leadership involves the core beliefs of a counselor. It is the essence of their professional identity and is used to empower students. Political leadership requires a deep understanding of educational systems and often ends in conflict that requires good use of advocacy. Symbolic leadership involves community interactions. Is entails collaboration that requires a school counselor to be inspiring and sincere. All styles of leadership require a counselor to establish teamwork inside and outside of school. Teamwork empowers and engages all stakeholders, and is essential to promoting student success. Leading workshops and hosting events are great team building activities. Other ways to connect with stakeholders is through advisory council meetings and managing student assistance programs. Advisory counsel meetings ensure that all stakeholders understand what the current conflicts are and allows for everyone to work as a team to create common goals. During this time the advisory counsel also helps in developing a core curriculum that aligns their goals with the counseling vision statement. Aligning classroom curriculum

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