Terminal Illness, Depression And Suicide

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Have you ever thought about life or death, more so a person choosing life or death. Some people have had suicidal thoughts. What if it was legal to kill yourself with the help of a trained professional? Say someone commits suicide and you come home and find their body and see in full flesh what they did to themselves, it would be a scaring and horrifying sight that no one should have to witness. This would make it easier with, terminal illness, depression, and it would make suicide a lot cleaner and easier for family to cope with. Terminal illnesses affect many people today. In 2015 15,112,098 people were diagnosed with cancer. 75 of those people chose to end their lives early in Oregon. The thought of knowing when your going to die is scary and providing people with the power to choose their time provides a lot more closure. Just last year there were 760 suicide 56 of them were tied to terminal illnesses. Having the power to end your own life surrounded by family and loved ones would be alot better. …show more content…

Every year 16 million people are diagnosed with depression. Depression causes hopelessness and suicidal thoughts, anxiety, loss of interest in activities, overeating, and over tiredness. No one should have to suffer through this because some cases people can't get over it. Every year 33,000 people commit suicide. A very large portion of people never report their depression leaving them alone. People who go to they therapist to get help are expecting help, but what happens when it doesn't help, there going to fall into deeper depression thinking that their incurable and it will ultimately result in

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