Ted Bundy Serial Killers

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Without argument Ted Bundy is one of the more predominantly known serial killers due to the brutality of offenses can he has carried out. Throughout my time as a criminal justice student his name has been brought up in discussions and will continue, as I will always remain interested in this subject area. But besides the actual almost unbelievable acts he has carried out, we must sit back and critically think and study on what makes individuals like Ted to commit such acts as he did. Manipulating and charming when needed Bundy committed and confessed to numbers questionably more than 30 with the possibility of a handful more in ways almost seemingly outrageous. Strangling, killing, and even showcasing his innocent victims almost uncomfortable to even put into text and as some say they do not believe he even knows the total number that he has killed. Ted had sickening intelligence to his murders, and how to avoid authority. A contained lack of empathy throughout trial as he claimed innocence and even represented himself for a number of cases. Representing himself also led to his escapes from authorities through a window, as he was not shackled. All of these are not tall tale stories that are made up, this is real action and with every action no matter how serious the offense; there is reasoning. So it is here where we need to dig deeper and find out what causes individuals to turn to these types of offenses. Throughout this submission I will be giving a overview of Ted Bundy’s background and personal life. It is here the situations of his upbringing and his own personal characteristics that shaped him so I will tie it with Biosocial theories and Antisocial-personality Disorder to further help explains how biological factors and so... ... middle of paper ... ...e Ted Bundy as they directly correlate with his upbringing. Anti Social behavior is a direct effect of biosocial harms that are produced in the family life before a individual expands on their own. It is the framework of the attitudes and perception of life. The crimes he has committed are the worse of their kind and I am not here saying it was not his fault because that is not the case. But what I am arguing that the reasoning behind it all is there, the lack of empathy was there, along with all the emotion and behaviors that are expected of a family life and individual’s life suffering from these theories. If there was a checklist of all the social environment and biosocial traits, he would have received them all as I read his background. Ted Bundy was addicted; he was addicted to lying, he was addicted to killing, and he was especially addicted to manipulating.

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