Ted Bundy Research Paper

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Ted Bundy looked like your All American man, grew up in a working class family, had all the charm & intelligence made him seem like just a normal person. That’s what everyone thought anyway. Born on November 24, 1946 in Burlington, Vermont, Ted’s mom, Eleanor Cowell, was 22 years old and unmarried when she had him which didn’t sit too well with her deeply religious parents. She delivered Ted in a home for unwed mothers in Vermont and brought him to her parents in Philadelphia later on. To hide that he was an illegitimate child his brought up at the adopted son of his grandparents and was told that his mother was a sister. Eleanor moved to Tacoma, Washington with Ted a few years later. In 1951, she married Johnnie Bundy; they had several other children together. From an early age, Ted was interested in the macabre which is like involvement or depiction of death and injury. At about the age of 3 he became interested in knifes. He was a shy but intelligent kid who did well in school but didn’t really mesh with his peers. As he grew into a teenager he started peeking into other people’s windows and stole things thinking everything was ok. One reason for why I chose Ted Bundy is because despite that he was a young charming man; he had a very dark side to him. It just goes to …show more content…

He didn’t go out and choose some girl at random. He went for the girls that resembled hos college girlfriend. The attractive one with long dark hair. He was so cunning too. He lured the girls into his car by faking injury then he’s just snatched them up. Of course, what girl wouldn’t be happy to help a young, smart, attractive young man? After he moved to Utah in the fall of 1974 to attend law school, women there began disappearing. Same characteristics as the woman disappearing in Washington. I don’t get it though because him being as smart as he was kept up with the pattern, you’d think he would understand that police would catch on sooner or

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