Swot Analysis Essay Examples

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Life can be summed up by one Miley Cyrus saying, “Nobody is perfect.” This saying can be seen in every person, no one is the best possible version of himself or herself, but they can strive to achieve their best. In order to try and reach the best version of yourself, you have to know your strength, weaknesses, possible opportunities, and threats. If you can identify these areas you can see where improvements are needed, and know how to use your strengths to help move further toward goals in life. Finding your strength, weaknesses, possible opportunities, and threats are known as a SWOT analysis, and I will be doing an analysis of myself. I would say my strengths are getting my goal setting and my problem solving ability. Weakness would include …show more content…

I would consider my weaknesses public speaking and verbal/nonverbal communication, mainly when dealing with strangers. This has been a weaknesses every since I can became conscious of my one life. For some reason I can’t lose these weaknesses no matter how many presentations or speeches I give. I guess you could say I just have not given enough presentation or had enough experience, and that could be true. It is a little weird though, when I gave presentation or speeches for TSA or in any of my CTE classes I would be perfectly fine. I don’t know what it is but that’s just how I work, I’m weird. Nevertheless, I still have trouble with public speaking or presentencing in all other areas. A good way I could start fixing this weakness is from a reading called, Speaking with a Purpose by A. Koch. In the reading it gives many ways to improve speech delivery and preparation of a speech. Some things I can do to help my speeches and presentation go smoothly would be note cards and more speech practicing (Koch). In high school, I was a screen watcher; I would always look at the slides in my presentation and never make contact with the audience. I believe practicing will reduce the need for screen watching and note cards so if I get off topic or lost I have an assistive guide. My other weakness is my verbal/nonverbal communication. I typically have trouble making friends because …show more content…

I would consider my opportunities as being able to work with other leadership styles and strategic planning. The lord as blessed me with the capability to have a massive amount of tolerance. Which helps benefit me when it comes to working with other people and their leadership style. There are some instances though where me tolerance runs empty, mainly because of the leadership style use or the affect it has on others. Many people don’t have that capability to hold themselves back and are not willing to hear others out on an idea, but not me. I would consider this a major opportunity when in comes to grouping forming and friendships that can occur throughout college and when working. My other opportunity is strategic planning, and this one also another great opportunity to have. Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice is a book written by Northouse, in the book it discusses the keys to strategic planning. A strategic planner needs to be able to think and consider ideas to develop effective strategies and be able to learn, adapt, and managerial wisdom (Northouse). This can apply right now in college; I am currently strategically planning to make it through these last couple of days of summer bridge and preparing for the up and downs of my fist semester of college. I am doing this by writing down goals, learning new information, sticking to a schedule, and staying

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