Summary Of The Navajo's Dilemmas

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1) Describe the nadle in the Navajo society of Native Americans or the hijra in India. How do these so-called “third genders” challenge our traditional notions of sex and gender? Navajo berdaches, otherwise known as "nadles" are those in the tribe who are born male but take the role of a woman. A nadle could also be used to describe a biological woman who takes on the chores of a man such as hunting and warfare, although this is more uncommon. Males who take on the traditional role of a woman would cook, clean, and take care of domestic labor. There are some who believe that berdaches were looked down upon, while others argue that they were respected in their tribes. The hijras of India are similar to the Navajo berdaches in many ways. Hijras …show more content…

The elitists claim that a small group of individuals who have tremendous power in politics, economics, and military control America. With this model, many minority groups go underrepresented and do not have a say regarding the powerful and important decisions being made. With only a small number of individuals being a part of this elite, they get to decide on many crucial issues that affect millions of people. On the other hand, the pluralist theory claims that a wide variety of individuals across America have equal resources and power in controlling America. When using this model, no one group gets underrepresented or has too much power. The pluralist model seems to be ideal, due to the fact that everyone is treated equally, while the idea of a power elite looks to be more unfair because such a small number of people are representing America as a whole. 3) Is life sustainable on a minimum wage when working full-time? Discuss some of the challenges of making ends meet (recall the activity in class that we worked …show more content…

Census Bureau, the definition of family consists of two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same home. The authors define family as a social group whose members are bound together with legal, emotional, or biological ties, or any combination of the three. The definition of the U.S. Census Bureau seems a little outdated and confined. This definition seems to more define nuclear families and not those who break the norms. Many relationships are long distance, same-sex, or practice cohabitation. This definition leaves out many contemporary families, similar to the ones just discussed. This is the exact reason that the authors prefer their definition over the U.S. Census Bureaus. The textbook definition is more open-minded to contemporary and nuclear families the same. 5) Considering the film, Killing Us Softly 4, how do you perceive the levels of objectification and sexualization of women in the United States today? The presenter in the film uses advertising as her focus to measure how women are perceived in our society. Please feel free to include other examples which you believe support your

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