Summary Of Have Smartphones Ruined A Generation By Jean M Twenge

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In her 2017 article “ Have smartphones destroyed a generation”, which was published in the Atlantic Magazine's, Jean M Twenge tries to persuade that phones throughout the years have destroyed generations. To help support this she uses facts and statics and also adds examples of younger kids and teens using phones more and not interacting with people. One of the main claims is that rates of teen depression and suicidal have skyrocketed since smartphones have taken over in 2011. Since 2011 teens mential and emotion health have been lacking and Twenge believes it is because of smartphones. In Twenge's article it states that since 2012 she has noticed shifts in teens behavious and emotional states, she researched more of this subject and traced it back to smartphones. Twenge did a study on how teens emotions and the result revealed that teens who spend more time on smartphones are more unhappy that those who spend less time on their phones. …show more content…

Twenge explains that unlike the teens in her generation who had spend evenings with their families or friends now a days they talk on snapchat or instagram when they can do the same thing without the interaction in person. Twenge talks about how since smartphones have become popular that teens are more safer now than they were because teens would rather be in there rooms then parties and are more likely to stay at home then go driving with their friends and have less taste in alcohol. In the article she shows charts of discretion of teens hanging out with each other, that teens are in no rush to get their license to drive, and teens getting less sleep because of

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