Success In The Movie Hoosiers

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One thing that everyone wants is success. Success is something anyone can achieve, if they put their best effort into it. Success is one of the most critical elements to so many events throughout someone’s lifetime. Although it may sound so simple to obtain, it can actually be difficult. The reason that it could be hard, is the fact that there are so many components to find success. The definition of success can be different for everyone based on how they view the word. To me, success is doing all you can do to try to come out on top. A scenario of this would be during a basketball, your team is down by 12 points, everyone is running the fastest they can, shooting as accurate as they can, and supporting one another as much as they can. …show more content…

One example was when the character Ollie had became an actual member of the team instead of the team manager. In one of the games, Ollie had been put in because one of the starters wouldn’t listen to the coach so he was benched. With ollie being so experienced, he was not very good at all. By some great chance, he got a shooting foul. The team was down and this was the only chance to win. He managed to make both free throws! The clock then ran out and the whole crowd ran out there and carried him around. The look on his face was priceless. You could see how happy and excited he was to be able to help his team win an important game, it is something he’ll never forget. This was similar to the state championship game that happened both in the movie and in real life with Bobby Plump, but this game was obviously much more important. The score was super close, 30-30, the final seconds of the last quarter. Bobby managed to drain a 2 point shot and won the game for himself, his team, and his town. Every single fan of the Milan team roared with excitement while congratulating every player. Every one had the biggest smiles and probably tears of joy. To this day, all the remaining players with us on earth still remember vividly of what happened that day in …show more content…

One time I had felt success was during my band class, as a percussionist. In fifth grade, I was the only person in the percussion section. Mrs. Lull, my band teacher for that time, had saw that I had the ability to be good. She decided to give me a piece of music that required drumset. Of course, I was terrified. I was the little chubby fifth grader walking over to the high school set up to play the drumset. After that concert a few people had recognized that I had lots of potential. I was a shy kid, still to this day, so I never tried to make myself known. As the years went on, I got better and more and more people saw my ability to play the drums. I have been first chair for four years, got into tri-county honors band and been drumline section leader for the past three years. Over time, I had been given the nickname “Legend” by all the upperclassmen (mainly Joseph Skiles), because of how good I am. I have to say, even after all those things I’ve accomplished, I would have to say that the time I felt the best was when Luke Koepf had told me that he approved of me, and that I was second best only to him. That feeling is one I will never forget, I went to bed that night with a smile on my face knowing I made

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