Statement of Purpose for Automotive Engineering

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Ever since I was a child, I have had a great interest for the automotive industry. From car trivia to novel innovations, my innate passion for the automotive industry has always made me research the minutest detail of every vehicle that interested me. Since elementary school I would draw sketches of cars which incorporated technology which were unheard of at that time; novel devices such as electrochromic windshields, HUD displays, and wind turbines which would constantly re-generate electricity for the car. While growing up, my hobbies largely consisted of constructing countless Lego and Meccano sets, and repairing my mom’s 19 year-old car. In middle school, math and science were my favorite subjects: applying science and mathematics to solve real-world problems has fascinated me and I have also taken further steps to reach my goals. By the age of thirteen I devised a scaled model of a heliostat power plant, which successfully powered a light bulb. The mathematics beyond the focus points of parabolic dishes and thermodynamics was very advanced for my age, but I took up the challenge...

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