Standardized Testing Essay

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100 million students take these standardized tests every year and they are viewed as a measure of competence for teachers and schools and when they’re older it can decide where you might be placed for your higher education or academic career. When it comes down to these tests, not many students can say they never had trouble with them. Standardized tests don’t measure the skills that kids should have, students should have skills such as creative thinking and complex problem solving with critical thinking to make their mind think deeper than a multiple-choice test with math and english on it. There should be other methods of determining whether a student has improved or not. “Class work and projects” (Garland) should be used to evaluate a student’s …show more content…

Colleges will look at some of these things while looking to admit a student: Leadership, a willingness to take risks, initiative, a sense of social responsibility, a commitment to service, and special talents or abilities. The dean of admission at the University of Tulsa says admission officers ask questions to themselves like “what is it that makes the student unique and how will you contribute to the life of our campus” (Character Counts: What Are Colleges Looking for?). Colleges want a diverse group of students to make their campus full of great students. They want students who are going to be involved with a lot of activities. When you eliminate tests, you can really see how a student is in the community and how involved they are with their school. More and more colleges are searching for students who are well-rounded. Some colleges are not having standardized tests as their top priority now, they are looking for good leaders and role models for their college environment. There are some advantages for having standardized tests, we can see how our schools compare with each other and we can see where what we need to work on. There are some researchers that believe that teachers over time can have different thoughts on a paper if given in different perspectives. With these tests, they are either right or wrong answers. “grades and test scores are far less likely to be generalizable than any standardized tests”

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