Social Work Practice Theory

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Many things can influence a social workers’ practice, for better or worse. Familiarity, classwork, personal experience, and types of internships can all influence the way in which a counselor views their work. These experiences also help shape our choices regarding practice theory. The various theories that social workers employ are influenced by other professions such as: medicine, psychology, sociology, and even economics (Green & McDermott, 2010). It is not necessarily what theory is chosen, but that a practitioner makes a choice to follow the general tenets of a theory and lets it inform their work. By grounding their practice in theory, social workers can better understand the work at hand, carefully consider goal setting, and anticipate …show more content…

This practice should always focus on the strengths and desires of the family unit and be culturally aware. Because of my own experiences with social inequality and injustice, I hope to work with families that battle issues with intellectual and developmental disabilities and with those who suffer extreme poverty. This will most likely be part of mental health outpatient work that occurs in a school setting or within a local community service board, since these settings frequently service families without many financial …show more content…

Some might feel that this would create conflicts in how to conduct oneself as a social worker. I have found that the values of social worker mesh well with how I was raised. I do not always hold the same beliefs as my clients. However, I am able to value those people as human beings and empathize with the fact that they may feel strongly about something and not feel understood. I can also empathize with them and support them in their goals and dreams, even if their dreams are not the choices I would make for

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