Similarities Between The Age Of Innocence Book And Movie

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The Age of innocence is a novel that was written by Edith Wharton and the film adaptation was directed by Martin Scorsese. The film adaptation employs the ideas from the novel. The importance of using a film adaptation of the novel is for the audience to have a motion picture film that they can use to assess the themes, tones and other literary elements exhibited in the story. Commonly people respond to film better because it is visual. Therefore, in this paper analysis, the main point of focus will be the analysis and comparison of the book Age of Innocence alongside the film adaptation. While making comparisons, the focus will be on the plot development, thematic analysis and also an assessment of the tone used in both mediums.
The Age of Innocence film was released in 1993 and based on the adaptation of the novel that was written by Edith Wharton. In the movie, the story being explained takes place during the Gilded Age, and thus in the story, there is a portrayal of the high society and social class in New York. The director of the film Martin Scorsese, and with help of Columbia Pictures, …show more content…

The introduction of the cousin caused a serious scandal. Even upon her arrival she was causing waves in society. She was out with a man her first day there and her behavior was said to be “flagrant”. The scandal involved threats of happiness in the community and especially the joy and happiness that the couples would have shared when they would get married (Wharton & Lefkow, 2016). The similarity between the novel and the film is that it seeks to provide a first-hand explanation and a walk through the journey of how the upper class in the American society were living, focusing on the social tragedy that emerged due to the high social class living in the 19th century. ……(((((((((((((…………

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