Similarities Between 1850 And Missouri Compromise Of 1850

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The compromise of 1850 was very similar to the Missouri compromise of 1820 in that they both succeeded in bringing together the North and the South. In the early 18th century, there was division in America as result of slavery. At that particular point, the North and South were already in tension due to issue of slavery. Slavery was not widely spread in the North however, businessmen enriched themselves through slave trade in the south. Both Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 both aimed at restoring peace between the North and South slave sated and between the Free and the Slave states. In 1819, America consisted of 22 states which were equally distributed among Free states and Slave states. Missouri requested to be declared a slave …show more content…

It was the growing war that led to Compromise of 1850 to establish peace just like the Missouri Compromise. The Compromise consisted of five bills providing different guides. One of the bills declared that California was an anti-slavery state and made it the 16th state to be Free from slavery. The second bill created two states namely New Mexico territory and Utah territory. The third bill abolished slave trade in Colombia where businessmen enriched themselves from slave trade but retained slavery in general. A fourth bill provided that Texas disown entitlement to New Mexico as well as North of Missouri. However, Texas would lose boundary claims but the congress agreed to take over its debt. A fifth bill provided that slaves should return to their owners hence favoring the South recover slaves that had escaped. Also, the North were required to return slaves who had escape back to their owners. Following various failed drafts by Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and John Calhoun, the bill was finally drafted by Senator Douglas which saw all the bills passed. The compromise established peace for a long time until the American Civil War aimed at abolishing

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