Sick Around The World Movie Analysis

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From total government control to completely relying on the people to pay, health care policies range from one extreme to the other. In the film Sick around the world, it focused on five different democratic countries and how they have decided to handle getting health care for all of their citizens. The content provided in this film was very interesting since I have never really taken the time to realize that health care could be different in other countries. Although I was aware of the fact that health care policies are hot topics in the political world, I did not fully realize how broken our health care system was. While watching this film I was struck with the fact that there are other health care systems currently in place in other countries that are working much better than ours was. Although it is easy from the outside to look in on a policy and see the positives it is important to look at …show more content…

In many of these countries insurance companies were unable to make any type of profit on providing people this service. Due to the fact that I live in a capitalist country, the idea of a company being in business just to provide a service and not make a tremendous profit is an idea that is hard to fathom. It is hard to imagine that a company in the United States would just work to stay in business knowing that they aren’t allowed to make a profit. Another common theme that existed between the other countries health care system was the fact that it was almost unheard of for people to go bankrupt from medical bills. This fact really struck a chord with me because even months after my grandpa died, our family was still working to pay off the cost for his time in the hospital. Hearing these facts about the inexpensiveness of health care in other countries, started to fully show how broken the system the United States is currently running on

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