How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect The Economy

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P1. The Industrial Revolution was a time of change. A period of time when industries developed, getting bigger and better. It first started in Britain in 1760 but rapidly spread throughout the world. P2. The Industrial Revolution was a time of major industrialization that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. It involved improving major industries. Economically it impacted Britain tremendously. The industrial Revolution also improved the quality of life for certain people. It was the process of change from handcraft economy to one done by industry’s using machinery. After two English men, William and John Cockerill developed a range of machines and brought the revolution to Belgium, it became the first country in the continent of Europe to be improved economically. Other European countries slowly industrialized, but still trailing behind Britain. P3. The Industrial Revolution brought many short and long term …show more content…

The Industrial Revolution respired new life into the economy and soul of Britain. British citizens, encouraged by economic opportunities and prosperity, took new pride in the label of British citizens. The Revolution improved upon existing economic activities like agriculture, and introduced new sectors, such as the metal industry. During the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution transformed agriculture from sustaining families and communities to an economic endeavour. New tools emerged to increase and assist crop production. Farmers grew a larger variety of crops, and more of them. Surpluses shipped throughout the country and across international borders. Industry flourished under the Revolution as prosperity increased the demand for consumer goods. Steam and coal emerged as leading sources of power to drive machines, including mills, trains, ships and factories. Infrastructure emerged and transportation systems improved during the Revolution too. Additionally, regions in Britain specialized in certain products and traded among

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