Self-Evaluation of My Writing Skills

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Change is interwoven in the learning process and therefore is inevitable. It is beyond amazing to reflect on ourselves and see how much we change in just six months. I do not know what is more remarkable—the change itself or knowing that that change represents an expansion in our knowledge, a growth in our abilities, and an improvement in our writing. However, one thing I am sure of is that it feels good to see that, excuse the cliché, hard work does pay off.
Before the start of this school year, I was not clueless as to how to craft an argument, but, to say the least, I was unexperienced. I thought that “argumentative” was simply a fancy name for “persuasive”—needless to say, I was mistaken. Blinded by this fallacy, I avoided acknowledging any opposing views in my essays (such as in my TV argumentative impromptu), which only made it seem as if I did not have sufficient information to defend my arguments. I thought I had to induce my audience to agree with me and that if I mentioned any alternatives, I would lose them.
However, the purpose of an argumentative essay is not to make others agree with a point of view, but to convince them to acknowledge the validity of an argument and to consider it. Luckily, I realized this in time to write my argumentative essay about the value of public opinions, in which I pointed out that although “some may argue that public statements of opinion are unnecessary because they peer pressure others into thinking a certain way,” the sharing of these opinions “[creates] a society where no opinion is exactly like the next” because people adapt what they hear to “better fit their character (Argumentative Impromptu p. 3&4). This change strengthens my arguments because it convinces my audience that I w...

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...nearly impossible to track all the ways it changes, partly because it is always changing, because there is always room for improvement.
Regardless of all of these improvements, I know my writing is still far from perfect. My arguments still lack the emotional appeal that, if present, would make my audience consider my arguments a lot faster. My analysis still lack development because often times I just state what happens instead of explaining why. In general, I need to work on controlling my voice and tone throughout an entire essay, which can be fixed if I choose my words more carefully to make sure my diction is uniform. Despite all of this, I am satisfied with myself, I am satisfied with the ways my writing has changed, with the way my writing skills have grown. Why? Because I am learning, and I know that I will continue improving as long as I take chances.

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