Scrooge's Fear In A Christmas Carol Analysis

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In this essay I will be talking about how Dickens presents Scrooge’s fear in A Christmas Carol. It is about how Scrooge’s change throughout the novel through various techniques Dickens uses to convey this. In the extract Dickens presents Scrooge’s fear by showing how it’s needed to make Scrooge realise the consequences of life being misused. This is shown in the quote:” Scrooge’s countenance fell almost as low as the Ghosts had done,” this shows that Scrooge is afraid after the ghost has informed him he will be haunted by three spirits. This is highlighted in the words:” Scrooge’s countenance fell,” meaning that even the thought of spirits coming to haunt him makes him fearful of what’s to come. It could also mean that he is not only afraid …show more content…

This is shown in the quote:” Not so much in obedience, as in surprise and fear.” When Marley tells Scrooge to stop when he reaches the window he does as he is told but not because he is respecting Marley’s command but because he is terrified of what he might witness. He is afraid of what it might mean and what it could lead to as “The air was filled with phantoms, wandering hither and thither in restless haste.” Dickens uses the motif of fear to portray Scrooge’s fate if does not change. The words “restless haste,” shows how not only will he be regretful and sorrowful as Marley was but also he will never be free. The phantoms move around desperately wanting to be free in hope that they can change their ways and make up for the things that they didn’t do but it’s too late as they burdened by the weight of their regrets. This foreshadows Scrooge’s fate if he resists change. This gives the reader an understanding and warns modern day readers and the Victorians to change before it is too late. It foreshadows the truth that Scrooge is so afraid of as he stops “not so much in obedience, as in surprise and fear.” Scrooge is the result of us realising our mistakes. And that is what Dickens was trying to …show more content…

This is shown in the quote:” I should have liked to have given him something that’s all,” Dickens uses dialogue and the motif of guilt to portray Scrooges realisation. Earlier on a boy comes up to Scrooge to ask for money but Scrooge refuses. But now he regrets not giving him any money and we see a new developed philanthropic attitude. The words “that’s all,” shows how Scrooge is resistant to appearing emotional as it causes everything that he said before those words to be insignificant as he is guilty that he didn’t realise sooner but refuses to appear weak. The quote “looking about him, after drying his eyes with is cuff,” shows that he is guilty and wishes to change his ways. But in this part of the novel (stave 2) Dickens uses fear in this extract very differently and in a much more subtle way. Scrooge regrets not giving the boy money because after he himself looks to his past after the spirit shows him he realises that the boy asking for money reminds him of how he was when he was younger. The fact that he regrets his previous action shows that he is scared that the boy might turn out like him. Dickens uses Scrooge’s fear as not fear for himself but for the people he has wronged. This also makes the reader reflect on their actions. Which links back to my original point fear is needed to makes Scrooge realises the consequences of his actions but

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