Rodriguez's Scheherazade Goes West: The Concept Of Beauty

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Black is beautiful. Skinny is beautiful. A lack of knowledge is beautiful. The world that we live in is indulged with the concept of what people find beautiful. From the color of skin to the idea of what weight is the most attractive, we have taught ourselves to judge others based upon what we believe is ideal. This concept varies across the world, as is discussed within the novel Scheherazade Goes West, as well as within different upbringings and cultures, as discussed in Adios Barbie. Adios Barbie, a collection of essays written by women, discusses the concept of body image and how it coincides with self-acceptance. Each woman goes through her own challenge with her body, from being overweight to having a particular body part that she disliked. …show more content…

This essay discusses the ideal American body - meaning perfect weight, skin, hair color, etc. - all of what appears in a typical fashion magazine. Rodriguez, an eighteen-year-old Latina writes of her past in middle school. One day she found an ad stating that a model search contest was coming to Beverly Hills, only a two-hour drive from her hometown. Having always to fit in with her peers, she begged her parents to take her so she could show the agency that she had what it takes. After attending, she received a call stating that she was a runner-up in the competition and her parents beamed, enrolling her in modeling and acting courses. However, she was told that being a size seven and weighing 130 pounds, she needed to lose weight fast and drop down to the typical size three that the other models were. She was handed magazines such as Seventeen as motivation for what “real models look like.” This is an example of a binary present in America, which states that in order to be model material you have to be skinny and blond. Leaving depressed, she grew determined and decided to lose as much weight as she could, still knowing that she came from a line of wide-hipped Hispanic women. She soon developed a routine where all she did was work out and eat one meal a day, thus developing a severe eating disorder. This is yet another binary present in the US, that girls of color don’t develop eating disorders. Now, to break the binary, she goes to conferences and is a peer advocate to girls everywhere, speaking about what she learned and how powerful the media truly is for teens around the

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