Revolutionary War Dbq

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Creating a nation out of the remains of a war is never an easy job. There were many different debates involved, along with treaties, and even more battles. Even a hint of jealousy can turn tables on countries. In the beginnings of America, Washington choose the first cabinet leaders, being Jefferson, Hamilton, Knox, and Randolph. They were is charge of deciding new court systems, settling it on the Judiciary Act of 1789 since they were in a tie. The people wanted personal liberties to the system so they wouldn’t be ruled and James Madison wrote the ten Congress ratified in Dec. 1791, calling them the Bill of Rights. In 1790, Hamilton wanted the government to pay the debts they made during the war, yet, Congress only agreed on paying the other nations. Hamilton wasn’t satisfied and managed to have them pay the Americans they owed as well, after agreeing for the nation's capital be moved down South. Hamilton later had another idea on making low tariffs and many taxes, with Congress approval. …show more content…

The Battle of Timbers came after Native Americans complained that treaties weren’t being followed and Washington sent down an army to settle them. Then France sent Edmund Genét down to get American aid against the British, but Washington made a Proclamation of Neutrality, preventing Americans in fighting. The people Genét did get got captured so Washington sent John Jay, who created Jay’s Treaty. So Britain got off of America, paid for ships, and continue to trade peacefully. The treaty made Spain think Britain and America were teaming up and sent Thomas Pinckney to create Pinckney's treaty in 1795, which gave free navigation of the Mississippi and rights to trade with New Orleans. In September 1796, Washington denied serving a 3rd term and made a farewell address in the Philadelphia

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