Research Paper On Ted Bundy

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In this paper I will discuss the life story of the notorious killer, Ted Bundy. Bundy was a very strange serial killer. From the beginning of his life to the end where he died in Florida State Prison he was a very strange individual. Little is known as to why Ted Bundy went on his killing rampage. This is the life story of the notorious killer Ted Bundy. Since we are talking about the life story of Ted Bundy, let’s start at the beginning when he born. He was born in the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers in Burlington, Vermont. He did not have a father, which meant that his mother had to work long hours and did not have much money to support the both of them. For that reason, Ted and his mother went to live with Ted’s grandmother. When …show more content…

Although Bundy was a student at the University, he worked part time as grocery store bagger. Ted also had many other odd jobs but didn’t have a same job for more than two months. Since Bundy was majoring in Physiology he got a job on the Seattle suicide hotline. While doing this job Bundy had a very good relationships with the local sheriff’s department, which would become a key piece of evidence in his later crime. At the start of Bundy’s sophomore year of college Ted started to get an interest for governmental activities. Since Ted had an interest in this he served on the Nelson Rockefeller presidential campaign in 1968. After graduation he became the crisis counselor for Governor Dan Evan’s successful reelection campaign. Bundy became assistant to Ross Davis the chairman for the Republican Party. Working for Davis, he thought that Bundy had a very promising future in Campaigning and also thought that Ted would be one of the best campaign managers in the country. Since Bundy was so interested in politics, he decided to enter law school at the University Of Pugent Sound. Although Bundy had an ambition for politics he did not do well in the classes. Bundy started to skip classes and did very poorly. He finally flunked out of Law school and was soon kicked off of his republican …show more content…

While Ted was their he had raped, sexually abused, and killed 12 year old Kimberly Leach. After killing the girl Bundy threw her dead carcass under a pig shed and left her to rot. After discarding the body Ted went quiet for a couple days while police were investigating suspects. According to "Ted Bundy." American National Biography In February of 1978, Bundy stole a voltzwagon and was driving the panhandle of Florida. After driving for a while Bundy noticed a police officer behind him and soon realized that his lights were on. Bundy pulled over and police turned in the license plates and they came back as stolen. Although Bundy knew that he was going to jail, he got out of the vehicle and fought the cop and lost and was sent to

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