Research Paper On Fast Food

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n this research paper, I will discuss how bad eating habits, poor nutritional choices, and economics affect the health of the body. I chose this topic because of my quest to improve my health and my family’s health. I am discovering I must consider the above aspects to improve our overall health and nutrition. I discovered the food we consume gives our body the nutrients and information needed to function. Educating yourself on the effects of the food you consume is key to maintaining healthy eating. Metabolism is an important chemical process that helps the body burn fat and calories. Eating the wrong food, over time will cause the metabolism to slow down or completely stop. Once the metabolic process slows down or stops consistency is the …show more content…

But too much of anything will cause a problem. Fast food is highly processed and high in calories, which offer no nutritional value. Eating foods that are high in sugar, fat and sodium can cause numerous health issues. The digestive and cardiovascular systems are affected due to the sugar (glucose) found in most fast-food. Your pancreas job is to release insulin into the body, so elevated levels of sugar will alter normal insulin levels resulting in type 2 diabetes. According to an article published on suggests that children that eat fast food at least three times a week are at increased rates of asthma and rhinitis. Meals high in carbs, sugar and sodium may increase your risk of developing acne, cavities and osteoporosis (thin fragile …show more content…

In 2008 over 616,000 people died from heart disease with coronary heart disease the most common type. Obesity puts you at a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. There are three types of diabetes, type 1 or juvenile diabetes is found most often in young adults, this is when the body does not produce enough insulin because of the immune system has attacked and destroyed cells that make insulin. Type 2 diabetes or adult-onset diabetes can affect obese adults and children of any age. Gestational diabetes can develop in pregnant woman and usually goes away after the child is born. As a child, we saw the pyramid chart that told us what a balanced meal consisted of and how much to eat for a balanced diet. On my journey of weight loss, I am learning what foods are considered harmful and the effects eating them has on the body. In order to improve the health of myself and my family I must focus on the food I should include in my daily meals rather than foods I should avoid. Once you take control of the food you eat, you can take control of your

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