Religious Symbolism in Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken

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Religious Symbolism in “The Road Not Taken”

In “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, there are many religious analogies. Most people agree that in the poem Frost was expressing the belief that it is the road or path that one takes or chooses that makes him the man he is today and will be tomorrow. Everyone is a traveler on life’s roads. In the poem there is never just one road to take. Religion can be found in this poem by the decision the speaker must make, the road he chose, and the road not taken.

“And sorry I could not travel both” (2), the speaker is coming to a decision. In everyone’s life, they must make a decision to follow God or not to follow God. In this poem, the speaker has to make this choice. He tries to look down both roads as far as he can to see the choices that might result from taking either path. “Yet knowing how way leads on to way” (14), he knows that this decision is not temporary. He knows that once he chooses a path, he “doubted if I should ever come back” (15[VR1] ).

The second case of religious symbolism is the road ...

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