Reflective Self Assessment

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Reflective Self-Analysis Throughout this writing course I’ve developed strengths but of course there are still areas in where that I couldn’t seem to comprehend and those areas would be my weakness. Weakness that I have to improve on are making clear statements, essay errors such as grammar and spacing, and APA format. The strengths that I know I’ve developed and improved on throughout the course are arguing in essays improvement, and getting good sources to back up arguments. Both have defined my writing through this course and I will explain how so by looking through an essay that had to be done for this course. By looking through the essay I will be able to find evidence of my strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses My first weakness would be when I attempt to write an essay I tend to not make myself very clear about what I am trying to explain or argue so that is a big negative part. It certainly does not make the essay quite valid because my opinion cannot be understood or if it’s backed up or not. For example, in “Gun Control” I made the argument that I was against gun control so wanting lighter gun control. However, the way I tried to explain that I was against gun control wasn’t clear enough to show what I supported. Such as saying “Most people would agree …show more content…

Thankfully, the feedback I’ve received all throughout this course assisted me in understand my essays better because of all the corrections I’ve made throughout the course. The strengths and weakness will certainly do not mean I will not continue to write essay. It will actually, also make me further aware when writing a complex essay. Thanks to the fact, that I have been able to comprehend the mistake as well as the good material, for future essays I will surely not have the weaknesses I have now and stronger

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