Reflective Essay: Lack Of Interest In School

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My experience with writing has varied over the years. My lack of interest in school plays a large role in how my writing has developed. From a young age, I have attempted writing in a journal many times, and have quit every time. Even my enjoyment in reading hasn’t sparked an interest in writing. As a result of being in school, I have learned that I just needed to get over it. Writing is interesting because it’s something that can be developed. Each year information is poured into our heads in order to produce a more successful outcome. I find that as I have gotten older I have developed an interest trying to make my writing better. Last year, I had the bittersweet experience of taking A.P. English with Killer. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that in class essays absolutely sucked. Even though they did suck, the essays taught me a lot about writing processes and many tips and tricks to push our writing limits. Throughout …show more content…

I have been learning about commas since second grade. I realized that in college writing 1 the focus on grammar would be prominent. As we refreshed and learned each lesson I would catch myself fixing mistakes I would have previously missed. These simple grammatical fixes have allowed my writing to flow better. I still need to work on my editing and memorizing some of these rules. This semester, college writing appears to be a whole new ball game. We are focusing less on grammar and more on different types of writing. I have heard from others above me that the long essays are helpful in college. I mean if someone asked me to write a four page paper, I wouldn’t even think twice about it. I’m still terrified of that upcoming eight page research paper. I realize that this class isn’t a bunch of busy work, so I am aware that each paper or quiz is attempting to further improve our writing. It’s not that I am so excited to go to this class everyday, it’s that I respect the

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