Reasons To Stop Illegal Immigration

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“What America needs is not closed borders or open borders, but smart borders” -Edward Kennedy. What Edward Kennedy was probably saying in this quote was that immigration is a good thing, our country was founded on immigrants. To let people cross our borders illegally and without regard to our laws, is not smart immigration. It is not smart for the country or for the legal citizens. Illegal immigration must be stopped and prevented. If illegal immigration is stopped then it would help the economy, help taxpayers, and the crime rate will go down. Definition The definition of illegal immigration is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Illegal immigrants are a …show more content…

Employers are looking for cheap labor and they find that with illegal immigrants. “Immigration experts believe that the key to reducing illegal immigration is by targeting the employers who draw and hire them (Miller 67). Illegals who commit criminal acts here in the United States should also be deported back to their home country. In addition to enforcing laws, state and local benefits should not be given to illegal immigrants. More than thirty state legislatures and local governments have recently placed restrictions on state benefits and rights in order to discourage illegal immigration (MIller …show more content…

“The economic and social consequences of illegal immigration across the 1,940 miles long American-Mexico border are staggering” (Miller, 29). This quote by the Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform, their goal is to eliminate illegal immigrants in Colorado. The costs associated with the Border Patrol has skyrocketed in today’s world (Miller 28). Los Angeles county alone reported spending $350 million a year on healthcare for illegal immigration (Miller 35). This is a lot of money for just one city. Illegal immigrants will also bring their traits into America. “Persistent flow of Hispanic immigrants threatens to divide and United States into two peoples, two cultures, and two languages. Unlike past immigrant groups, Mexicans and other Latinos have not assimilated into mainstream U.S. culture, forming instead their own political and linguistic enclaves and rejecting the Anglo-Protestant values that build the American dream.” (Miller 37) These immigrants flee from Mexico from all the crime but bring criminal traits with them (Zoye Ruehl). The illegal immigrants are breaking the law by coming to the United States illegally and continue their criminal behavior when they

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