Rape Culture Was Manufactured To Wage An Unjust War Against Men Analysis

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In the 2013 article, “Rape Culture’ Was Manufactured to Wage an Unjust War Against Men,” posted on the infamous blog site ReturnofKings.com, the author, whose name was only displayed as “Frost,” argues that “rape culture” was created by feminists and perpetuated by the fact that women falsely accuse men of rape, even if the evidence suggests otherwise. Frost dives into several key points, the dominant one being that women, feminists specifically, “use rape for their own political ends.” He claims that feminists created a mythology around rape, which came to be known as “rape culture” and that they use this as a tool for empowering themselves. While it’s entertaining to read this article as he attempts to make such drastic claims, I can’t help …show more content…

He makes several points that, in his mind, are justifiable. For example, Frost makes the claim that feminist advocates of “rape culture mythology” have a very specific motive, and that although they are aware of the steps to spread awareness to prevent rape, they allow it to happen anyway in order to perpetuate the idea of rape culture and assign blame and fault to men. He makes countless harsh accusations such as these, and even goes on to say that “feminists want to define all sex as rape.” But while these accusations may seem harsh, he does come up with a set of “solutions” at the end of this article. In this set of supposed answers to the problem, he says that “women and men under the influence of alcohol should be held to the same standards of behavior as everyone else,” which I agree with completely. This point almost made it seem like he advocates for equality between the two sexes! He also states that “if a friend, family member, or public figure is accused of rape, don’t immediately jump to the conclusion that the accusation is well-founded. Make a judgment based on the evidence, and the characters of both the accuser and the accused.” While I don’t agree with the idea that you shouldn’t assume that someone is telling the truth if they claim to be raped, I do think it’s important to analyze the situation completely and not be rash to …show more content…

If he were a woman living in today’s society, he would understand the real danger that lies within rape culture, and how harmful it could be for people like him to spread an agenda that does nothing but sustain these myths. By making hasty generalizations such as “feminists don’t care about actual rape victims,” you’re more than likely going to offend the majority of your readers, unless of course they share similar patriarchal, anti-feminist beliefs. Although the article is posted on an infamously anti-feminist, pro-rape, masculinity-geared website, the article aims only towards a very specific audience and neglects the viewpoints of women and feminists, who he harshly

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