Psychoanalytic Criticism In The Tell Tale Heart

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Psychoanalytic criticism is a term used to describe how and why a person behaves. There are two different types of psychoanalytic criticisms which were developed by Freud and Jung. Freud’s archetypes are the most common in “The Tell Tale Heart.” Freud’s archetypes are displayed throughout “The Tell Tale Heart” by how the narrator shows Id, which is the most dominant, as he kills the old man, Superego, as he shows remorse, and planning to kill displaying Ego. In “The Tell Tale Heart”, the narrator displays the element Id, which occurs as the narrator kills the old man. Id is the animalistic behavior of a person that represents violence and acting on impulses. An example of Id in “The Tell Tale Heart” is when the narrator kills the old man: …show more content…

Superego is the social boundaries that people are expected to live by and what people should and should not do. The narrator displays Superego when he hears the heartbeat of the old man: “yes! Yes, I killed him. Pull up the boards and you shall see! I killed him. But why does his heart not stop beating?! Why does it not stop!?”(Poe 67). This illustrates Superego because in today’s society people are taught to not kill people. The reason the narrator can hear the heartbeat is because he feels guilty about killing the old man. Another example of the narrator reflecting Superego is when he defends himself from having a mental illness: “it’s true yes, I have been ill, very ill. But why do you say that I have lost control of my mind, why do you say that I am mad?”(Poe 64). This quote demonstrates Superego as the narrator tries to deny having a mental illness, because in society, if someone has a mental illness then they may not be trustworthy. The narrator defends his health because he knows that readers won’t believe his story if he has a mental …show more content…

Id is the most dominant archetype because everything in “The Tell Tale Heart” stems from the narrator’s animalistic behavior, beginning with the decision to murder the old man because he did not like the way the old man looked at him: “when the old man looked at me with his vulture eye a cold feeling went up and down my back; even my blood became cold. And so, I finally decided I had to kill the old man and close that eye forever!”(Poe 64-65). This proves that Id is the most dominant because Id is the main component on why the “Tell Tale Heart” is a good read. In conclusion, there are several different psychoanalytic criticisms throughout “The Tell Tale Heart.” The most common psychoanalytic criticism that is used is Freud’s archetypes. The archetype Id brings out the narrator’s animalistic tendencies, Ego is used by planning, and Superego as he feels

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