Pros And Cons Of Marriage

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The cons of marriage don 't outweigh the prospects of marriage, and given research; it agrees. The con of marriage is equal for women and men as one cannot merely live without the other. Marriage had a different meaning for men and women almost six decades ago. Women cannot bear heavy lifting, as that is a man’s job. Men don’t appreciate cleaning and don’t want to be seen doing it, as it is women’s work. During the nineteen-hundreds, marriage remained a necessity for women as they could not work for themselves, as a result, women needed to marry into a wealthy family. The man she marries needs to have money. Therefore, she knows that she will be well taken care of, and inherit the solid earnings of her beloved. Men need sex, and women need …show more content…

A spouse’s appearance should not affect your love for them. In a marriage, there should always be a strong foundation. Yes, attraction is the first thing that draws people in; nonetheless, there needs to be a deep emotional connection to withstand the ugliness of aging. Because, if a strong impassioned connection is not there, therefore, the marriage is not healthy. Another con of marriage is a lack of communication. When there is no communication between both sides, immoral actions take place. Such as cheating on each other, since people don’t care much for the meaning sex anymore. People assume having a one-night stand is standard. Couples who have communication issues will lead their marriage into financial ruin. Now to compare single people to married people, who have it better? They both do technically, since some individuals chose to stay exclusive while married people chose to couple up. Between married couples, communication should be kept open, and they should never attempt to persuade their partner into whatever they are not comfortable with. Moreover, they also should not dictate what their partner ensues; how they spend their free time, or even make a curfew for them. The meaning of marriage is a …show more content…

Additionally, marriage will support children to become productive citizens. Marriage is a self-sacrificing act of devotion to another human being. After several years, marriage has been under scrutiny. Though, starting in the mid-80s and forward on society has failed to acknowledge the common good of marriage, and what it has to offer. The government is not going to add their two sense into promoting programs, which will save marriages. However, what about the people who still believe in it, or need to save their own marriage that is on the brink of divorce. The government feels that marriage is not worth saving since it’s not for every person. It is understandable that marriage is not for everybody, but let the entire world a fair chance at the opportunity of

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