Physical Development Essay

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Each person’s life consists of normal stages of development; this is known as life span development. This development starts at infancy and continues through death. In each stage of development, each person experiences four types of development; physical, cognitive, social, and personality. Infancy The infancy stage of development begins with the child is born, and continues until about eighteen months. During this stage a lot of growth takes place, especially physical growth. This stage of development coincides with Erikson’s stage of trust vs. mistrust. Physical Development My personal physical development in the stage of infancy was below average. I was born three weeks before my due date, but suffered none of the negative effects …show more content…

Specific milestones in my physical development that were late are, rolling over, sitting, crawling, standing, and walking. I did not roll over on my own until I was about six months old and sitting on my own occurred about a month later. It was not until ten months of age that I began to crawl, and I did not walk until I was about fourteen months. The normal development for infants is to be rolling over at about three months, sitting at approximately five and a half months, crawling at around six to seven months and walking at around twelve months (Feldman, 2014). In comparison to normal infant physical development, my development was around three months behind normal …show more content…

This stage is focused around Erikson’s crisis of initiative vs. guilt. Physical Development During this stage of development, children continue to develop gross motor skills but most of the development is with their fine motor skills. During this stage children are beginning to learn how to color, use scissors, write, and possibly tie their own shoes. Children will develop hand eye coordination as well as the ability to manipulate objects to accomplish what they want. My development was especially slow in this area. I did not begin to write legible words until I was five almost six years old. I still to this day, cannot cut a straight line and I could not color in the lines until I was about ten years old. I have always struggled with hand eye coordination and anything requiring the ability to manipulate a small object. My gross motor skills at this age actually began to improve and I began to develop at a somewhat normal rate. My parents put me in dance class at age four. Dance was something that I really excelled at, and it helped me to develop better muscle coordination so that I was not quite as clumsy as before. This also helped me begin develop later motor skills at a normal

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