Persuasive Essay On Women Pay

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Despite the recent debate over pay equality, the question simply boils down to: do women deserve to make significantly less than men do? Growing up in an educationally disadvantaged community I had always held the view that women didn’t hold management positions, however since enrolled in college my views have significantly changed. Many traditional cultures, including America, teach that men should lead in families, business, and government, however does that still hold true today? Women take on all these responsibilities throughout our nation and should not be denied equal pay or opportunities for work equivalent and in certain cases superior to men. Although numerous lawmakers today neglect the need for workplace equality, America requires additional laws to secure the fairness of women’s pay, ensure more promotion opportunities, and prevent workplace discrimination. Growing up in a geographically rural town where a high school degree was primarily the highest level of education the majority locals would receive I had always thought that college was too far fetch for somebody like myself. However, after attending college for a few semesters I came to the realization that there are various opportunities for women to hold high positions, and …show more content…

Further in my research I found out that on top of the already difficulty of earning equal salaries, women of minority groups struggle to receive little over half of what men earn. Being both a minority and a woman I feel stripped and neglected of rights that I equally deserve as much as my male co-workers. Statistics show women in the workforce have salaries below men in 99% of all occupations, and minority groups happen to be hit the hardest making around $.52 to $.64 to every dollar men do (“10 surprising statistics…”). These women have the same qualifications and skills, and in cases even exceed the males

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