Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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“The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity.”(Shaw) When we see an animal abuse commercial, we get sad for a little while, but then it leaves our minds. Just because people don’t see it everyday doesn’t mean that it isn’t prevalent in today’s society. There are many organizations that are fighting for animal abuse laws, but people don’t believe that they are necessary. Most animal cruelty laws have been introduced to legislatures, but have not been supported. Laws that protect animals from cruelty, prevent cruel actions from happening, and stricter punishments are vital to animals. Animal cruelty laws have gained more attention and action in recent years, due to evidence that links domestic violence and animal abuse. The …show more content…

Animal abuse is a serious crime and is a key indicator that someone could be violent towards their families. In the world of law enforcement animal-cruelty issues were long considered a peripheral concern and the province of local A.S.P.C.A. and Humane Society organizations, but now that animal cruelty has been linked with violence, state legislatures have taken action (Siebert). This link between violence and animal abuse has now opened the world to more opportunities for law enforcement to catch animal abusers. Before the link between domestic violence and animal abuse was largely publicized, state legislatures had a hard time making laws that punished animal abusers. An

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