Personal Statement Essay

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For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be an encouraging influence for others. As a child I was very shy and unsure of myself partly due to my overwhelming fear of others and feelings of inadequacy. Nevertheless deep inside I knew of my true worth but was afraid to show the world who I really was because I may be rejected. Those feelings of rejection kept me from being who I am and sent me down a dark, lonely, and destructive path. Not knowing who I was for many years led to a series of bad decisions and choices. However I began to notice that I had a gift, a talent of making others feel good and found myself wanting to be an emboldening model for others. Often my friends and family looked to me for advice and answers. I later realized that it was not about giving advice but helping them find the answer that are locked away in their subconscious mind. Helping them discover who they were; the irony I discovered who I was, my life purpose, my calling. I remember the first time I heard the term psychology and I wanted to know more about the subject. Once I understood what it meant I dreamt of working along sided others helping …show more content…

I have always been very interested in human behavior and what it was that made people do the things they do. While attending school I’d worked as a substance abuse counselor. My interested in substance came as a result of my own struggles with a drug addiction. I saw counseling as a way to help others overcome addiction, but quickly realized that for some counseling was a way to get others to solve their problems and I am just as interested in helping others find their own solutions. For the most part addicts are very intelligent people moreover, once they understood the disease concept and the nature of addiction and its relationship to the subconscious mind they became better equipped to live sober

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