Personal Narrative-Ocean City Maryland Fishing Pier

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Terror on the Pier Ocean waves crashed onto the beach as the old wooden pier swayed gently in the hot summer evening breeze. Overhead hung an old rusty sign, “Ocean City Maryland Fishing Pier.” The sweet smell of ocean air filled my nostrils as the hot July evening sun toasted my skin. Quickly, my older brother Zach, my mom, and I made our way to the small wooden shack, in the middle of the pier. To begin, my dream, for as long as I can remember was to go fishing in the ocean and catch a real shark. After all, TV makes it look so exciting. Not to mention, my brother and I have fished in almost every river and lake in Pennsylvania. Now, I was ready for the big fish, or so I thought. “Hurry up,” I bellowed, “We have to rent our rods, buy bait, …show more content…

I must say, I had an uneasy feeling when we finally arrived at the end of the pier. From the shore the pier seemed short, but in reality the wooden planks carried us out into the ocean approximately the length of a football field. To make matters worse, when I looked down over the shaky, wooden, guardrail I realized if I fell in, I would be gone forever. Oh well, I was here to fish and that is just what I was going to do. After all, I knew how to fish; I have caught plenty of fish in my …show more content…

After all, TV makes it look so exciting. Not to mention, my brother and I have fished in almost every river and lake in Pennsylvania. Now, I was ready for the big fish, or so I thought. “Hurry up,” I bellowed, “We have to rent our rods, buy bait, and get to the end of the pier before all the good spots are taken.” Zach snickered, “What’s the rush, do you really think we are going to catch a shark?” Within ten minutes, the three of us were making our way across the uneven blood stained boards of the fishing pier. I must say, I had an uneasy feeling when we finally arrived at the end of the pier. From the shore the pier seemed short, but in reality the wooden planks carried us out into the ocean approximately the length of a football field. To make matters worse, when I looked down over the shaky, wooden, guardrail I realized if I fell in, I would be gone forever. Oh well, I was here to fish and that is just what I was going to do. After all, I knew how to fish; I have caught plenty of fish in my day. “Let’s get our rods ready,” yelled my mom. Quickly, I reached for the bait and opened the lid. Oh my, the smell was enough to knock you off your

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