Personal Narrative: My Ultimate Infidelity

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Barboza 2 challenges and my ultimate goal was to transfer to UCLA. Hence, once I got accepted I was the happiest person I could be. My ultimate demise was thinking that grass was greener on the other other side. In other words, I was setting expectation for UCLA that were ultimately false. In a different note, these fools try to fill their void with drugs and alcohol. For instance, once they are in the void they meet a bartender and they both ask the bartender what alcoholic beverage does it recommend to drink to fill the void. Then, the run into a fool that is chartcerized as a drunk. This particular drunk starts talking to the fools and recommends a certain drink. This drink has a reputation on being the strongest and the strongest. Even stronger than the other drinks that are named after family problems, mother/father issues and many more problems. Thus, both of the fools drink this drink and start getting feeling jubilant with a touch of ecstasy. The lights started to flicker like if they were a club and they started to act under the influence. The first phase they started to act drunk because of they way they spoke and walked. The second phase they started to act high because the way they were laughing and what the philosophy they would start thinking about. …show more content…

The fools were feeling depressed and though that there was an easy way out of it. Sooner than later they realized that alcohol and drugs did not help instead they made their void even greater. This can reflect with the lives of many individuals due to their feeling of loneliness. Many professionals, actors and students fall trap to feeling depressed and go towards alcohol. This mindset is a dangerous mindset that can lead to one’s own void becoming even greater. Alcohol does not fix nor fill the void. Instead, it only allows it to become bigger and can create even bigger

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