Personal Narrative: My Nanny's Funeral

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“Hey Mom, you think Nanny is in heaven right now?” my siblings said, followed by laughter. I just didn’t get it, how could they joke about such an awful thing, I thought. My Nanny, or Grandma, was deceased, and we were on the dreadful drive to the funeral. But once my mom pulled into the location of the funeral, it was no joking matter. The eight of us trudged into the building, and I saw a lot of familiar faces: the Seltzer's, my neighbors, Mrs. Tully, my mom’s friend, and family members from my mom’s side. Though the thing that stood out the most was the vast, brown coffin in the the front of the room. Some of us shuffled up to the coffin to see my grandmother. It was eerie seeing my grandmother lifeless, I thought. Not in her house wheeling around in a chair while cooking in the kitchen, not sitting outside her house with me talking about the rabbit that always sat on her yard in the evening. I felt a wave of heartache pass through me, and I could tell that my mom was on the verge of crying. Despite her passing, I thought of all of the great memories that my grandma and I had. I could recall one of the best …show more content…

It was a blur to me, and I couldn’t bear to watch all of these people I love crying as people spoke about my departed grandmother. The inside ceremony was finally over, but the worst was yet to come. We had to go to the graveyard where my Nanny would be buried. There we were, standing in front of the huge gap in the ground, fearing for what would come next. I stood next to my mom, who wore sunglasses, but by the shaking of her shoulders I knew she was sobbing. Seeing my mom being so upset was heartbreaking, so I started to cry too. My aunt came over to comfort me and wrapped her arms around me, which made me cry even harder. The rest was a blur, my grandmother being buried and placing flowers at her grave. By then, we had all pulled ourselves together and it was time to

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