Personal Narrative: My Italian Culture

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Growing up, there were two cultures that I felt I had a connection. The first being my Italian background. My mother’s father was full Italian. He loved to cook and had homemade recipes from his mother. These recipes were passed down as my mother loved to watch him cook as a child. This love for food, especially Italian has been passed down another generation. I love Italian food as well as learning to cook our family recipes. The second culture factor is one I have mentioned before, have a large loving family. Having love and support from those around you creates an empower environment. My large family helps to inspire me to be the best that I can. Historically, my family is one full of artists. My great-grandmother was a painter. My parents as well as others in my family still have her artwork hanging in their homes. This artistic ability has been passed down from generation to generation. All of my father’s brothers and sisters have an amazing ability to be creative. Their talents shine through in most of their occupations. My father used his artist ability to tattoo nipples onto women whom have lost their breasts from cancer. Additionally, my aunts own their …show more content…

My father’s dad as well as my mother’s mom grew up extremely poor. They faced difficulties that no one else in my family has ever had to imagine. Their understanding of having nothing, has taught both sides of my family how to appreciate what we do have and to cherish what is important. Growing up both my parents speak of having enough, but never getting everything that they wanted. Therefore, they strived to give my siblings and me more than they had. Through their own economic struggles over the years, my parents were able to give us what we need and some of what we wanted. I appreciate my up bring as it has made me realistic about money and needs. I am grateful for the way that I was raised and hope to pass some of these values down to my

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