Personal Narrative: Growing Up At F. E. S.

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Growing up I wasn't a nice person I went to F.E.S kindergarten through 2nd grade and I would fight anyone just with them looking at me a way and didn't like I would beat them up. In 1st grade I was a permanent in the office at lunch kid because I couldn't get along with anyone. I remember my last day I was able to go out side to play on the playground there was this kid that was on the spider monkey with me and my friend hope and stabbed my best friend with a pocket knife and I blacked out and ripped him off of the spider monkey and I don't remember nothing but coming out of compleat black and sitting in the office in handcuffs. Then in 3rd grade had to go to J.R.E because the bus for F.E.S didn't run to come pick us up and my mom

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