Personal Narrative Analysis

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Around 7th grade, material possessions started to become my priority. Due to the fact, there was a surprisingly high amount of peer pressure to better than the next person, to look your best, and everywhere I looked people were consumed by their phone or the internet. It seemed imperative to have a cell phone at this point. So, I asked my parents and after much convincing they said yes. When I got that phone I started to pay no mind to people talking to me, becoming consumed in my phone, I never payed attention. My grades slowly dropped. One day, the summer of 8th grade, I went on a walk. Not noticing the slight rise of a sidewalk block ahead, I texted my friend telling her to come outside. My right leg hit the block and I tripped and fell …show more content…

Summer vacation suddenly became so boring without a true means of communication. However, I still made the best of it, hanging out with my friends, amusement parks and just relishing in the sounds and sights of everything other than my phone.I hadn’t been to a library in a while since I could easily read books on my phone. That day I went to the library and noticed a teacher at my school, named Leslie Williamson, walking around wearing an oversized grey “Kids These Days” sweatshirt. I had seen people around with this sweatshirt around before and wondered what it meant. When I got home I went onto the computer and looked up “Kids These Days” and I clicked on the website and read all about “Kids These Days”. It was a volunteer group located right here in Frederick, Maryland. I kept reading on the trips they took all over the world to help people and different volunteer activities that they had right here in …show more content…

I’ve volunteered continuously every month, trying out different ways to be able to help people. Volunteering at Kids These Days has shown me how much I love to volunteer and I genuinely have become aware of wanted to do with my life. I’ve helped in countless nursing homes, children events, and even our local library. I’ve helped with Nelson Mandela Day located here in Frederick County. I’ve even worked with different humanity groups such as UNESCO. It registered in my mind that there is more to life than cell phones, and whose shoes look better. My plan is to go to China through Kids these Days and do humanitarian work there next

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